The DV Collective supports existing organisations that support women and children escaping and recovering from domestic violence by securing Corporate support through financial funding, pro-bono products and services and volunteers.

Services including, but not limited to, shelters, accommodation, legal, crisis support, teenage pregnancy, counselling, essential items, case management, school essentials, scholarships and education.  From safely escaping to rebuilding financial and emotional independence.

The DV Collective is well on it’s way to making a big impact in Australia. Every day, our members inspire us with stories of passion and resilience.

Let's introduce a couple of our members....

Through a thorough onboarding program, our membership team identifies what impact each organisation provides in their region, what barriers they are experiencing in order to achieve their results and how The DV Collective can support THEM. Many of our members are run by volunteers and do not have the resources to apply for funding or support. We say "consider us an extension to your Sales and Fundraising arm."

There is no cost to become a member.

We are working with inspiring organisations every day and are extremely proud to have created a highly engaged membership base.

Member Spotlight - Dandelion in Sydney